Dr Dewe recently returned from a whirlwind tour of Canada and the USA where he presented the Epigenetic Healing Cycles workshop, Your DNA Is Not Your Destiny, to groups of Touch For Health Instructors and PKP Practitioners and Faculty. With the impending re-release of the Stress Release made Easy and Tibetan Energy and Vitality workshops in the US, it was exciting to introduce a new workshop that is proving highly effective and easy to teach. For many who attended, it was their first opportunity to learn directly from one of the ‘founding fathers’ of Kinesiology.
Dr Dewe is planning to return to the US in April 2019 for the US Touch For Health Conference in Boise, Idaho. Before the conference he hopes to teach an Instructor Training Workshop for Touch For Health Instructors wanting to add these three workshops to their repertoire. Following the conference he also hopes to teach the FPK2 Crossover Course that enables Touch For Health graduates to take the next step in their training into any of the four different ICPKP™ Diploma programs that together make-up the PKP™ Kinesiopractor® Training Program.
PKP, which originally grew out of TFH, follows in the tradition as a ‘client centered,’ energy model and systematic priority-oriented process. TFH Instructors in the U.S. who have taken the old PKP 1 – 4 format, or TFH Instructors who complete the Crossover course, BKP 106-110, RBT 201 and EMS 201 this year will have the opportunity to take the FAC1B (TT2) training in the Fall of 2019 when Dr. Dewe & Joan plan to return to the US to teach the PKP Teacher Training. This will give TFH Instructors 6 – 8 new courses they’ll be able to teach beyond TFH 4.