South African K-Power® Instructor Tracey Wynne ran her very first Your DNA is Not Your Destiny workshop earlier this month with a group of experienced and highly qualified professionals. They included two medical doctors, a chiropractor, a clinical psychologist and an accountant. Tracey says,
The attendees loved the course and were very keen to first practice the cycles at home and then think of ways they could incorporate this into their working environments. All were very receptive and enthusiastic and had many questions.
Tracey is particularly excited about introducing more medical professionals to K-Power® so they can add new methods and processes to their existing toolset.
Feedback from the attendees included:
I found the course very informative and interesting. It inspired me to dive deeper and learn much more.
Dominique Manias (M.A. Clinical Psych)
The course was amazing …. I think it was fantastic
Dr Harsha Moti