All K-Power® Instructors must adhere to these guidelines to ensure consistent, professional workshop standards across the world.
- Obtain any required Adult Teaching Certificate necessary in your country before applying for instructor status, eg. CAT (Cert. in Adult Teaching).
- Be equal and impartial with each student.
- Get the full contact details of every student before the class starts or at the latest on day one.
- Encourage students to sit in different places each day.
- Have students change partners for every technique.
- Make certain that no one person ‘hogs’ the whole workout time in any session.
- Make sure no one student avoids being worked on, choosing to always be the practitioner.
- Utilize the ‘Challenges to Authority’ skills in managing your class.
- Notice if one person constantly lags behind when choosing partners. Talk to them. If required, put in place a sorting process; for example, pick names from a hat.
- If odd numbers in class, have the class ‘demo’ person be the 3rd member of a group. Do not allow the same people to make up the 3s every time.
- Do not partner with someone in workout time.
- Keep yourself available to walk around, observe, offer input but not assist.
- Make time for feedback, questions and clarification. Clear confusion by re-teaching or re-demonstrating if necessary. Have good results shared. Just 2 or 3 each time.
- Tell them they will all get a chance to be a class demo volunteer. Do not allow the same person up twice until everyone has had a turn.
- Discuss confidentiality with the class. This is personal, real stuff that people are sharing. It must not go out of the classroom. It must not be recorded on a camera, video, tape recorder, mobile phone or other device.
- Start class with house-keeping info. Do IDs and introductions at the beginning of class. Overview the workshop so people know what to expect, how it will run.
- At the end of each day or session summarize and do a ‘closing circle’ with feedback or personal “Ah-ha’s” for class.
- Hand out certificates at the final ‘circle’. Know the date of your next seminar. Hand out advertising material. Invite people to repeat, especially if they want to become an instructor. Explain the requirements for being a instructor to prospective candidates.
- Follow up every class with emails for the next workshop and an invitation for them to get together socially after 3 or 4 weeks. (Create class spirit.)
- Have fun. Keep up the pace. Keep the ‘Wow’ factor high. Make friends, make money and create an environment of wholeness as people learn and facilitate others to exercise the power of choice to effect positive change in their lives.