Lizelle De Wet
Student ICPKP; Reiki Practitioner; K-Power Instructor; Thai Yoga Massage Therapist; Gua Sha Practitioner; Student Iridologist
Work Phone: 0659530593
Home Phone: N/A
Mobile Phone: 0659530593
K-Power workshops came to me at a time where my own healing stagnated. K-Power opened up my mind and thought pattern to investigate yet another avenue of healing, emotional healing. Since I attended my first workshop I have enrolled for the full Kinesiopractor training and I am a current student with Heal for Life College. K-Power workshops offers the normal Joe from the street to access powerful Kinesiopractic methods to use at home for self care as well as helping family members. The perfect 1st Aid tool for any home!

Location: 718 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa
K-Power® Workshops taught by Lizelle De Wet
Stress Release Made EasyYour DNA is Not Your Destiny
Tibetan Energy and Vitality